Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Some things change, some stay the same.

Today I managed to access my old Xanga, which I updated from 2004 to 2009-ish. Of all the posts in my Xanga, the one I remember most is one where I recount two memories from when I was sixish. I'm not sure why, but this post is probably one of my favorite things that I've written -- ever. It's from June 24, 2007, shortly after I turned 16.
Re-reading this, I vaguely remember the events that I talk about. But if I tried to write about them today, I wouldn't be able to go back and describe them in such detail. This is probably why I've always kept a journal of some kind. I want to go back in time and thank 16-year-old Ann for crystallizing these experiences in her Internet diary.
I left in the typos.

Today, for some reason, I was reminded of two events from my early childhood. And, for some reason, I felt compelled to write about them. So here they are:

1. The first one is from when I was in the first grade and still lived in Grapevine, TX. It was during lunch at school (remember in elementary school when the whole class had to sit together?). It was after Easter, you know, when everyone brings their Easter candy to school. Same thing after Halloween. But anyway, my friend Shannon had recieved this M&M-person-figure-thing that was dressed like an Easter bunny, and when you opened it there was a bag of M&M's. But it wasn't a regular bag, it was this plastic bag that was hard to open. She passed it around the table and for the most part NOBODY could get that stupid bag to even tear in the slightest bit. So when it got to me, I was determined that I would finally get the bag OPEN. I summoned up all the strength a 6-year-old can muster and pulled at the bag with all my might. And it did open. Well, more like it violently ripped apart. M&M's flew everywhere. I remember my classemates jumping and diving, trying to catch some to make their bland cafeteria lunches less boring. It surprises me how greedy little kids can be. "Forget that these are Shannon''s raining M&M's!!" But I'm not going to act like I didn't take part in it...hehe. Surprisingly enough, Shannon didn't seem too mad at my clumsiness.

2. The second one is thanks to my dad. My dad is a very unique person. When I was, again, about 6, he was watching this movie called "The Dark Crystal", and I came and sat down and watched it with him. It remains to this day THE absolute weirdest, creepiest movie I have ever seen. It's pretty trippy. I was about to say trippier than Pink Floyd's "The Wall", but as I was considering it, I decided that "The Wall" is EXTREMELY trippy and although "The Dark Crystal" is weird, I don't think it's quite as trippy as "The Wall". It's definately up there, though. Anyway...I've only seen it once, but I still vividly remember a few parts of it. It was created by Jim Henson, AKA the guy who invented "The Muppets". But this film is far from "The Muppets". Sure, there were puppet-like "things", but they resemble Kermit the Frog in no way whatsoever. I can literally remember watching it with my dad, thinking "What IS this?!" I guess I just don't apprectiate the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre as much as my dad does *shrugs*.

SO...I know those two memories of mine were kind of random, but (like I said before), I felt compelled to write them.


I feel like a great deal of what makes me, "me" is thanks to my father. Often, I look back through my life events and try to pinpoint events and experiences that have really shaped me and my personality. I'm not sure what the benefit of this would be -- maybe it's a byproduct of seeing a shrink so often and for so many years (too personal?).

I have watched The Dark Crystal since writing that blog entry. It's one of my many favorite films, probably for mostly sentimental reasons. I also have a thing for Jim Henson (RIP).

The score is something I frequently listen to, particularly this song:

It's beautiful, but also vaguely creepy for reasons I can't really put my finger on. That's actually how I'd describe the whole movie.

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